Export control compliance is increasingly a concern for banks and financial institutions, not just exporters. So, for the first time, the Bureau of Industry and Security has provided detailed guidance for what controls it expects financial institutions to employ. Details, guidance inside.
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BISNational security “validated user” program extended to data centers
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Commerce publishes rule to secure supply chain of “connected vehicles”
As expected, the Bureau of Industry and Security has published its proposed rule that would prevent the import or sale of connected vehicles that use hardware or software “with a sufficient nexus” to China or Russia. Some of the prohibitions would take effect as early as Model Year 2027. Details inside.
BIS updates VSD process, penalties; names first-ever enforcement chief
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BIS wants insights for an upcoming rule on ICTS in “connected vehicles”
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Raimondo wants more money for BIS; China Select says ‘hold on…’
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New export controls placed on AI chips, manufacturing in China
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Ex-CFIUS, BIS heads push back on outbound screening proposal
In a letter to the chair of the Senate Banking Committee, three former national security officials have registered their concerns about the proposed Committee on National Critical Capabilities, which would oversee an “outbound” investment screening regime. Details and the letter are inside.
BIS proposal changes use of “emerging” and “foundational”
The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security has signaled a change to the way it would refer to “emerging and foundational technologies,” noting that “distinctions between those categories are not often readily apparent.” Details and the new term-of-art inside.
Commerce Dept. seeks input on supply chain resiliency, security
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New BIS controls added for biotech software; could trigger CFIUS filing
Last week, the Bureau of Industry and Security at Commerce published a final rule that included new controls on certain biotech software. Details on the new rule, how it could trigger mandatory CFIUS filings, and what companies should expect, are inside.
Still no head of CFIUS, but Biden appoints BIS leader at Commerce
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