Last week, the European Commission urged its member states to scrutinize outbound investments in non-EU countries, and to do so for the same technologies impacted by the U.S. outbound regime: semiconductors, quantum and AI. Details and related EU documents are inside.
Hot Topics
Outbound InvestmentTemplates, guidance on outbound program (now effective) get posted
Right before the holidays, the Treasury Department published answers to thirty questions about the outbound investment security program. The document provides helpful examples of covered transactions, and was supplemented by a number of notification templates. Details, documents inside.
We get a sneak peek at next week’s Outbound event; but register now…
Right before Thanksgiving, we learned what was on the agenda for Treasury’s Outbound conference on December 9. According to Treasury officials, the half-day event will be heavy on discussions about operationalization and implementation, with lots of Q&A. Sounds good, but registration closes soon…
Expert: Use tax abatements to get U.S. investment capital out of China
An expert on national security has proposed an alternative to an outbound foreign investment review regime: Offer tax abatements to U.S. capital in China that repatriates to the U.S. and deploys elsewhere. The tax incentives would be tied to foreign policy and national security goals.
Outbound rule has been submitted to OMB; heading to final stages?
According to publicly available data confirmed by industry experts, the Treasury Department’s outbound investment proposal has been filed with the Office and Management and Budget. That means the proposed rule is likely in its final stages, and could be published soon. More inside.
China Select Committee wants more broad approach to outbound regime
Leaders of The Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party have offered Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen implementation recommendations on the outbound Executive Order. Experts say it represents a broader or “maximalist” approach to regulating outbound investment. Details inside.
Many VCs may be underestimating the full impact of outbound rule
The vast majority of venture capital firms say they will not be impacted much by the Treasury’s proposed rule on outbound investment. That’s according to our latest survey; only 16 percent of respondents said they would be impacted “significantly” by the proposal. Details inside.
Experts say outbound rule could impact investments in the U.S.
Much has been made of the fact that the Treasury Department’s proposed rule focuses exclusively on China. But that’s not the full story. In fact, the proposal could impact investments in any country, even the U.S., under certain circumstances. Details, examples of possible scenarios, and insights inside.
Clock ticking on effective date for some provisions of outbound rule
Okay, let’s not beat a dead horse. The E.O. has been released, and Treasury is seeking comment on their implementing rule, which likely won’t be finalized until next year. We know. But experts clarify that some of the provisions may be effective immediately. Details and insights are inside.
Treasury already seeking comments on the outbound investment regime
Just a few hours after President Biden issued the Executive Order on outbound investment in China, the Treasury Department unveiled its “Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,” and began soliciting feedback. Details, key questions, and instructions for commenting are inside.
Outbound foreign investment E.O. finally unveiled; no real surprises
Last year, our readers predicted that the Biden administration would issue an Executive Order on outbound investment before summer 2023. Wow, were they close. The E.O. was released this afternoon, and, as anticipated, will ban investments in certain Chinese technologies. Detail, E.O. inside.
An E.O. on outbound is the wrong approach. Here’s another option.
In our latest episode of “Ten With Tom,” former Treasury Department Assistant Secretary for Investment Security Thomas Feddo — now founder of The Rubicon Advisors — discusses why an Executive Order is the wrong approach, and explores some alternatives to an E.O.
Would Moderna’s $1B deal in China have triggered outbound scrutiny?
We’ve got a live outbound case study, folks. Last week, Moderna inked a deal to invest $1 billion in mRNA research and development in China. So, would that deal have triggered outbound scrutiny — and increased deal friction — were an outbound review regime in place? Expert insights inside.
Report: 17% of investment deals in Chinese AI cos. include U.S. VC
A new report out of Georgetown University may be the first to analyze data on outgoing U.S. investment into Chinese artificial intelligence companies. The report includes a wealth of data, and may offer much-needed context for a possible outbound regime. Details and the report are inside.
G7 acknowledges that outbound “could be important”; still no E.O.
In a joint statement, the G7 said it recognized that “appropriate measures designed to address risks from outbound investment could be important to complement existing tools” like export controls, but we’re still waiting for a formal Executive Order from the Biden Administration. Details inside.
Will outbound foreign investment review regime be unveiled at G7?
Last week, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen confirmed that outbound foreign-investment reviews are coming, and details of the regime are starting to emerge. The latest on timing, a FIRRMA-like pilot program, the notification process, any “look-back” provisions, and more are inside.
Outbound investment cited in $1.7 trillion government spending bill
Right before the new year, President Biden signed a $1.7 trillion spending bill that includes a number of new priorities. Among them: Funding “to consider establishing a program to address the national security threats emanating from outbound investment.” Details, deadlines, and funding inside.
At hearing on outbound screening: Risks, approaches & consequences
National security experts debated an outbound foreign investment regime at a recent Senate Banking Committee hearing. According to one expert, whatever the U.S. adopts, “we should be prepared for other countries to develop similar authorities.” Summary, details and testimony inside.
Congressional leaders ask President to take action on outbound regime
Three U.S. Senators and five Representatives, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, have sent a letter to President Biden urging his administration to “move forward with executive action” on an outbound foreign-investment review regime. Details and the actual letter are inside.
Outbound screening is nixed from latest legislation. So what’s next?
A national security screening mechanism for outbound investments was conspicuously absent from the $280 billion semiconductor bill passed by Congress last week. But the bill did include several outbound “guardrails,” and experts say the doors to an “outbound CFIUS” are still wide open.