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Thomas Feddo, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Investment Security

Nobody tracks national security and foreign investment like Foreign Investment Watch.”

Thomas Feddo, former Assistant Secretary for Investment Security at the U.S. Department of the Treasury; first Senate-appointed Head of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S.

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J. Philip Ludvigson, former Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Investment Security at the U.S. Department of the Treasury; former CFIUS Director for Monitoring & Enforcement

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Latest Coverage

Trump to review outbound regime, export controls, ICTS rules, more
Trump to review outbound regime, export controls, ICTS rules, more

The Outbound Investment Security Program is now effective, but don’t get too attached to it. According to a Presidential trade memorandum released in January, the Trump administration is now reviewing the outbound regime and other policies to determine whether they should be “modified or rescinded.”

Canada’s “Critical and Emerging Technology” list differs from U.S.
Canada’s “Critical and Emerging Technology” list differs from U.S.

Last week, the Canadian government unveiled a list of eleven broad technology areas that the country considers sensitive from an intelligence and national security perspective. The list includes many of the same capabilities on the U.S. list of Critical and Emerging Technologies. But not all. Details inside.

Former head of CFIUS Paul Rosen to join law firm as natsec partner
Former head of CFIUS Paul Rosen to join law firm as natsec partner

Well that didn’t take long. As many readers have already heard, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Investment Security Paul Rosen has decamped for Latham & Watkins, where he’ll focus on CFIUS matters, outbound reviews and more. Stay tuned for an exclusive interview with Rosen.

Senators float bill preventing land purchase near military installations
Senators float bill preventing land purchase near military installations

A group of U.S. Senators have floated a bill that would expand CFIUS’s jurisdiction around military installations. Among other things, the bill would include real estate investments by foreign adversaries that are within 50 miles of certain military locations, like training routes. Details inside.

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